Sunday, October 31, 2010

Over Again - Until the Next Time

I never claimed to be useful with a camera, even when I schlep it all over the place.

Witness the only non-yarn, non-bead pictures taken at SOAR: my little home for five days (I changed rooms after the second day because weird sound dynamics caused me to hear very loud, crystal clear snoring when in bed) which I photographed perhaps an hour before setting off.
The layout of Lake Lawn Resort (aptly named as you can see below, with both lake and lawn visible) is in the form of a circle-like shape with windowed passages connecting the various buildings. Very pretty in the mornings, and much nicer walking along the diameter than the circumference.
This was for me a very spinnerly SOAR in that I made more yarn out of the classroom than is my wont. Bad picture with early morning sun skewing the colours, but the pinkish skein to the right below is actually part deep fuchsia and part deep, rich orange from a cochineal dyebath.
I also dyed the skeins I spun in the bunny and goat classes, and I spun extra-curricularly too (I usually knit in Swillville).

And when I got home I heaved the huge pile of my daughter's mending off the Supercard and combined goodie bag and class left-overs from SOARs 2009 and 2010 to make three lovely bumps.
I get out of the carding habit, as I have so much that's ready to spin right now, this instant, but it's really fun, especially when there's colour-blending involved. The pinkish bump starts off blue-purple and fades through yellow-green to red-pink. I could make my own Noro-style yarns; I know Phreadde did an intensive study some years ago, but I'd probably just be kinda haphazard about it all.

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