Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My new favourite earring design works well with the stone rondelles that I've acquired over the years too. These are quite a bit bigger than the faceted glass beads I'd used in the last go-round.
The fluorite beads are just so, I dunno, tasty. Cool almost minty green, just about clear.
No, I didn't put blue seed beads with the purple stones (I have no idea what kind of stones these are. Probably a dyed jasper). Once again, my camera is arguing with me, because I know that they are an excellent metallic royal purple.

I used to know what these stones are, but because I neglect to take notes, I no longer have a clue. It was something unexpected, but that's not really useful information, is it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh soo sooo pretty! I am sad I so want the brown and mint ones but alas I have a budget and birthdays and fathers day have used it all up! :(