Sunday, March 2, 2014


So a couple of weeks ago I was browsing a favourite lampwork artist on eBay and I saw a bead which has elements I generally strongly dislike in a bead but also had so much I did like, but I lfet it there because I have this huge tin of lampwprk beads that are doing nothing but relaxing so really I don't need anymore.

Now this particular artist generally moves her unsold weekly eBay auctions to her Etsy shop but somehow this bead was still on eBay the next week. I'm not really into Signs from the Universe and other mystical claptrap, but I have only so much strength to resist temptation so I bought it. Like all her work (I've bought quite a bit from her over the years) it's beautifully done, just gorgeous.

A dragon eye. Usually I hate that stuff but the colours...yum!
 I think this is the first kumihimo rope that I've made since the start of my hand troubles that from the beginning was intended for me.
 I mean, I could use this one too - it's not as though I don't have a gazillion pendants that need a decent beaded rope.
And then I made a pendant with triangle two-hole beads, version one - yes, that implies that version two is just around the corner, some corner.

The hands? Yeah they're not going to get any better and they'll almost definitely get worse and the question is how much can I slow their degradation. I'll do my exercises, that's for sure, because I need them.

On the plus side, since I'm not waiting for a miracle cure, I've started knitting again, carefully, no more than an hour a day, so that's something.

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