The first couple of performances of my dance subscription were quite frankly not to my taste.
I was miffed that the Martha Graham company thought we needed a lecture along with the dancing which I personally did not; oddly enough I buy a dance subscription BECAUSE I LIKE TO SEE PEOPLE DANCING. What a concept.
Then Flamenco. There's just so much of pointed looks over shoulders and swishing of skirts that I can take. There's a whole lot less of some over-emotional guy practically crying as he sings that I can tolerate. I do like the Spanish guitar, but once again, guitar music is not people dancing.
I've had an intense couple of months at work which has in part translated into more hours there which plays into tiredness and lack of creativity and all that, and this week has been more of a social whirl than I generally like - don't get me wrong: individually I've enjoyed every event, it's just that I didn't get enough down time. (That really means being home by myself so that I can bead and knit without an eye on the clock).
It's not that I seriously considered not going to last night's Joffrey Ballet performance, it's just that I wasn't sure I was in the right frame of mind for proper appreciation; plus my expectations were low.
I guess that's an excellent way to set yourself up for a mind-blowingly fabulous performance, not at all hindered by the excellent fish I ate before at a nearby Jamaican restaurant (I mean it's really nearby: I can practically walk there from my house).
I've said it before and I'll say it again: my One True Love in terms of dance is Classical ballet. Yes, the tutus, yes, the pointe shoes, yes, the ridiculous drama. Love love love.
I do however have an awfully soft spot for whatever it is the Joffrey Ballet does. I was utterly and completely captivated particularly by their first number, In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated, which was perfection to me in every way. The dancers were incredible, the choreography and music were perfect expressions of each other; the lighting was wonderful, the costumes perfect - I only wish it had been longer, as in the entire evening.
As I went home I was elevated and excited and invigorated, and I guess I decided that those two crappy performances were worth enduring for the Joffrey fabulousness.
And today I fully intend to not go anywhere. The mailbox perhaps, but nowhere else.
I thought I'd finish the sample I started for last Tuesday's class.

It took longer than I'd anticipated (and I'm still not finished; I probably need another two hours or so), so I whipped up a sample for some future class (I gave away all the others I'd made like this).

Unfortunately I messed up the first one (on the left), so had to make another. Not that it's bad, it's just not what I intended, and is less forgiving of variations in size of the cabochon, so it won't do as a class sample, though it's perfectly fine as a pendant.
I think I might knit too.
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