Work, that is.
Long hours this week. No beading done, except teaching, which was FUN, as usual.
I knitted, and am on the downhill run on my cardigan, which is to say that the stitches are getting fewer. I'm knitting the yoke pieces to the sleeve caps and still shaping the front neck, a twofer in the decreasing stitches department.
I beaded this little shape a week or more ago, and only added the bail today.

I think I like it, but I' not entirely certain, and if I do, I'd really like to do something in the component line (as in making a necklace or bracelet from a bunch of interconnected thingies), but not today.
I started an experiment which I think will work in spite of a mistake that's making it awkward, but this is what I have so far.

The tile is about two inches square.
And then this experiment:
I have one pattern on Craftsy so far.
Its main advantage is that customers get instant downloads, and don't have to wait for me to email the PDF, which means that if I'm unavailable you don't have to wait. I have no idea how well-travelled it is, hence the experimental nature of the venture.
And that's all for now, as I have an hour to work out and shower and dress before an out-of-town visitor arrives, and I'm thinking that something in the above list isn't getting done because (oh suddenly I had to mail and relist a pattern. Not on Craftsy - and wouldn't that have been freakishly fast - but on Etsy) now I have ten fewer minutes.
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