I was sort of noseying around my computer, looking at pictures of projects from classes I've taught, and there are plenty which people really enjoyed, and which are now done with, and I hate for the work that went into writing the instructions to just fall to dust, but I'm not sure they're necessarily worth kitting up, so I thought I'd offer up another pattern.

For those whose peyote is loosey-goosey, I'll tell you right now, your bracelet won't look anything like these pictures.

It's not hard (says she who could quite easily blister her fingers with thread so tight it almost cuts), but if it's not your natural steady state, this is great practise for tension control.

I maintain that once you've mastered the basics of a stitch, you need to determine at what tension it works best for your project, and then you need to train yourself to adjust tension as appropriate.
Although most of my students chose a single colour in each size, as you can see, you can vary shades and finishes within a colour group, should you find yourself in the position of having sizeable collections with little to distinguish one from the other.
What I foolishly did not photograph is the closure: a toggle and buttonhole that sort of mimics the look of the toggle, so that it looks like a pair of toggles, and is pretty secure.
Ripples Bracelet Pattern: $6 for PDF emailed to you
Size 11 seed beads
Size 8 seed beads
Size 6 seed beads
Your favourite beading needle
Your favourite beading thread