I'm not feeling quite so beset upon by deadlines.
Some things which were anxiously awaiting attention and completion are now relaxing with drinks in fake coconut shells, attended by cabana boys. Must be nice.

Class proposals are in. Luckily the samples don't have to be in the store for a couple of weeks, as this one is a fake.

No no no, I did bead what you see in the picture, it's just that there isn't anything else. The sum totality of this class sample is just these five little motifs joined together - there's no remainder of it outside the picture, no bits that make up the necklace or bracelet, no clasp that was cropped out.
Sort of.
Classes in, most of the samples complete.
Taxes suffered a setback though: my tax software, how shall I put this delicately, did unkind things to me in secret, so that I have to start over from the beginning. Annoying (that's putting it delicately, very delicately). Doesn't really fit in well with my weekend plans.
She saw this item, but isn't a fan of asymmetry, so I made a symmetric version.
With earrings.
I rather like these little cuties.
And by the way, yes, SOARing this year again. I'm obliged, sort of.
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