Classes for June through September are due next week, and I was pretty sure I had them all nailed down. Apart from taxes (and oh yeah, yard work), I had planned to spend the weekend getting those last samples done.
When I woke up this morning, two pairs of earrings had sold in my
shop and while I was searching for the second pair (the first pair was where I expected them to be; the second was not. At first), I came across this little piece of Fooling Around.

With today's eyes though, it was way more inspiring than when I tossed it into that drawer, whenever that was. I don't remember. So inspiring in fact, that this happened.
And then this.

These are so delightfully pleasant to stitch, and even without super-humanly tight tension (with which many people have some difficulty) have dimensional depth. They'll be lovely as a garland-style necklace, or singly as earrings, or in pairs as a pendant.
Now I need a complete sample, as this is definitely going into the next class roster.
And this happiness started last night at the last dance performance of the season (end of the subscription).
Overall, it's been a very disappointing season.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in a city with a very active ballet company which produced multiple classical ballets every season, and offered school matinee performances for about two bucks a pop. By the time I reached adulthood, I'd seen just about all of the best-known ballets, as well as the odd more modern ballet (think "Balanchine". It was a very old-school classical company).
Perhaps it's redundant to say it, but I love watching ballet, and wish more was available locally, and the best I can do is buy a subscription each year (about five performances usually) to see dance companies from around the world and the country when they come to town.
I've seen some incredible dance, very little of it classical ballet, but still, if the choreography and dancers are good, it feeds my need.
The problem with dance and the midwest is that most people just aren't interested.
They like sports, so in order to attract new audiences, the Worst Dance Advertising Campaign Ever a few years ago compared dance and sports. I thought it was dreadful and if I didn't already like dance, and hadn't already bought my subscription, I might not have - I was that put off by the notion that there was in fact any comparison. (To say that I hate sports would give it too much importance. Sports are not on my radar).
This past season, obviously in a further attempt to attract the hoi polloi, part of the subscription included a Broadway show. I was singularly unimpressed (a Broadway musical with dancing is NOT a dance performance. Yes, I have Opinions), and was given the opportunity to see Stomp instead, and if you've been here before, you know
what I thought of that. (Not much).
The show before that was
Alvin Ailey, which I've decided I'm pretty much over. There's not enough dancing and too much pantomime and "education". I go to see dance performances purely for the aesthetics and don't care to be preached at, especially if it replaces actual dancing.
Before that, it was something that I ultimately didn't like all that much. I don't remember which dance company it was, and I didn't hate it but I certainly didn't love it either.
So last night, given my disappointment with the season so far, I didn't hold out much hope for the last show of the season, especially as they call the troupe "dancer-illusionists" and the program doesn't say "Danced by" but "Assisted by". I was convinced I'd go home in a bad mood. The fact that next year's line-up includes West Side Story - ALSO NOT DANCE - didn't help in the optimism department, though it did wonders for my pessimism.
I'm so very pleased to report that
Momix in Botanica, even though the dancing was slightly diluted by wild props, dramatic lighting, weird and clever costumes (the marigolds were fabulous) was a unique, gorgeous, enthralling delight. You should see them.
I'd see them again in a heartbeat.
Seriously, I want to see them again soon.