Thursday, December 26, 2013

And into the Thick of It

So after checking out my mom's new apartment, we drove for hours to my brother's house in the middle of nowhere, jet lag hitting hard, into a maelstrom of people and kids and more kids and party preparations and people and food and drink.
My daughter explored the house.
People wore silly hats as they philosophised.
People wore silly hats as they did more food preparation.
There was a humongous tree with an obscene amount of presents underneath it which looked like this after the locusts, um, kids were done.
I slept until forever (almost eight o'clock) this morning and I think I'm done with jet lag.
Today the weather was gorgeous.
We went into Sydney so I could visit one of my oldest friends. The Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race comes right by her house.
Lotsa boats with sails.
In April and November the whales come past, and sometimes stop to rest in Diamond Bay, just to the right.
It's really pretty, and I wish my pictures captured the deep turquoisey-blue of the sea.


1 comment:

Anne Hale said...

Wow. That is so not the view out my office window. I'm glad you're having fun, seeing fabulous things and vacationing vicariously for us! Hugs!