Wednesday, November 21, 2012


My menu is planned.

My ingredients (after an extra trip to the grocery store) are as complete as they will be.

I have a few items complete, and a few parts of a few items done too (the dessert my kids always request has four or five things to be made before it can be assembled. Two are done).

I was going to take pictures of some of the prettier things (cranberry sauce is always a lovely colour. My muhamarra is a delightfully intense orange - and tasty!) The chocolate caramel pecan pie is just brown, but I'm  pretty sure it's delicious. Greens and pignoli and roasted butternut cubes with crispy bacon slivers are also attractive.

I'm well-prepared for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner for ten, or so I thought.

The thing is, you just can't be prepared for when the pipe that leads out of the garbage disposal explodes. There's just no anticipating that sort of disaster at ten o'clock the evening before.

Right now,  I'm not feeling the love. No pictures of food.
Not pretty, is it?

On the plus side, my second bathroom is just across the hall from the kitchen, although its sink is tiny.

The basement didn't get all that wet (drips down one wall only).

I'd just finished washing a sink-full of dishes.

I called a plumber and they say they will come tomorrow, though they can't say when.

Still, it's less than ideal.

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