Sunday, June 19, 2011

Someone Else's

I'm so very drawn to deep, dark, murky, complex colours, but every now and again, a colour from one of the other boxes catches my eye.

I originally bought a bunch of Peri's amethyst glass rings and used them in a fabulous necklace. The colour wasn't highly sludgey, but it's complex enough that you'd need ALL the primaries to mix it.

Then I bought a bunch more the next time she brought them to Bead Society: multiples of black, very dark amber, light amber, and a single eye-popping variably translucent orange like sunset over smog, bushfire at night, an eyeball-searing brightness that's almost neon - but more saturated, clearer.
So I made a necklace with red and gold and purple and lime and cranberry.
Earrings too.

Sometimes I take a break from my royal title(*) and play in someone else's sandbox, with someone else's finger-paints.

And then I'm pleased with myself, love the crazy wild bright, but sincerely hope that someone else will want it in their life, because it's fun and all and I had a great time and am glad for the experience, but for me it's the sort of vacation that you want to come home from, fabulous though it may be.

It just doesn't fit me, exactly.

I like it though.

[(*) The Queen of Sludge].


Unknown said...

Oh Oh OH I so wish it could be mine! I do love love love those colors and your beading is so outstanding! It's good to go out of your comfort zone for a bit and apparently you rock at it!

Sara said...

Nice Colors!! last :)