Sunday, January 17, 2010


So I do have this Etsy shop and while I'm generally an idiot regarding marketing, there's apparently this jewellery-related holiday coming up in about a month. You may have heard of it. It's all about hearts and whatnot, so I thought I'd pander to crass commercialism.

Actually the necklace grew out of preparation for the class I taught last Tuesday. I started a sample and wondered if I could make the spiral zig and zag in any useful way. I think it's kind of interesting actually, and it certainly alleviates the boredom (some may say "zen") of repeating exactly the same thing for nineteen inches or so.

The new job with its endless days of Absolutely Nothing To Do leaves my mind like mush, able only to make samples (photographing them each step of the way) for upcoming classes.
I'm going with the flow.

I'm perfectly able to knit though, which actually isn't saying much as I wouldn't call the act of knitting the most intellectually challenging past-time, even if the planning of a project can be fun.
I've made some progress on the skirt - I think I might have the complete hemline done, which I'm honestly hoping for, as I'll have to either acquire or dye (if there's anything in the stash that I like little enough to conscript for this) more. The deciding factor is whether it's wide enough.

I suppose I could measure it.

If there were a competition for Most Creative Postage Stamp Collage on An Envelope I think Dan wins (Phreadde tells me that this is his doing).
Makes the contents almost anticlimactic. I said "almost".

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