Tuesday, May 4, 2010


When you add a chain, an experiment/doodle/exploration becomes a something. A necklace.
And then I noodled around with beaded beads from humungo rice pearls.

In Real Life they're greener, less yellow, but still really bright, and each beaded bead is over an inch long.


I wonder if it's a two-year cycle?

Last time I felt the urge to paint was two years ago, and then it was living room, dining room and hallways (it started off as dining room only, and once I expanded to the living room (I had extra paint, shame to waste it), I just had to keep going because there were no corners at which to stop). I've just finished painting both bathrooms, and I really didn't do a fabulous job, but they're both better than they were: bleached-as-much-as-possible-but-still-visible-mildewed-ceiling and gross-marks-between-strips-of-wallpaper-now-mostly-removed.

A sad paint job trumps both of those any day.

1 comment:

Gypsy said...

I am glad you didn't add the rivoli...sometimes less is more.
ANd those green pearl beaded beads ROCK!!