Monday, July 27, 2015

This and That

I've mostly been focused on class proposals for the local bead store, due yesterday.
 I did sort of get side-tracked with a bit of painting.
 And a spot of sewing. The room needed dragging into this decade - it's been lagging a bit.

 Still more beading. I really like making these beaded beads.
They look far more complicated than they are - I'm looking forward to teaching them and seeing if they really are as simple and NOT confusing to others as I think they are.
Last night I wanted to wear the necklace at the top of the post even though it's supposed to be a sample (though I suppose it's mine either way, to do with as I please) but had no matching earrings. Luckily there were more class samples that I was able to make to match.

These earrings are actually supposed to match something else entirely; I've been fooling around with a motif that I'm using in two different pendants as well as these earrings and if there's time I'll make a bracelet too.

Yes, I always have that much fun.

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