Well, it's mostly finished; I just have to do a bit of wirework to make the hidden clasp.
I also rediscovered a pendant (which sort of needs a chain. I think I'll make one like the green one from yesterday) with matching earrings, and another pair of earrings which matches nothing, all for Amy's Sale.

You can't really see it, but the pendant also has the same aquamarine beads you can see in the earrings, and in the bracelet from yesterday.
I also really like these earrings, simple as they are:

They're swingy and long and colourful without being overbearing and loud. I think it's a good balance resulting in something wearable. I realise that I'm all about decoration in every thing I make, but one of my goals is also to incorporate these decorative elements into my (or whoever ends up owning them) life. I have no desire to make something so gorgeous that it sits, tissue-wrapped and unworn because it's "too good". Too good for what? To use? What's the point?
But this is my big sadness:

See the piece missing at upper right? [Edited to point out that I'm not dyslexic when it comes to left and right, I know the missing bit is on the left, but somehow writing "right"just seemed like the thing to do a few hours ago. So sue me]. Like a big bite. And at the bottom in the centre, you can see the core glass. I'd be more upset if I didn't have more of his beads, but I'm still a bit nauseated.
I made this necklace a good two years ago, and have worn it often with pleasure and without mishap. Somehow or another, and I can't explain this sudden misbehaviour, the clasp kept coming undone when I wore it on Friday, and it fell to the ground two or three times, hence the nasty great pieces of glass missing.
While I have a few more beads by the same guy, none are the same colour, so I'll probably end up replacing the bead with an aquamarine nugget bead, which was the best colour match within my stash. It'll still be a decent necklace, but not divine.