Sunday, June 30, 2013

To the Wire

Why is it a rule that when time's running out, as if by magic stuff gets invented? It's very annoying.
 Pursuing something else entirely I made a dodecahedron using superduo beads. Since I could tell it wasn't going to be firm enough and needed a support, I inserted a marble which gives it this interesting kinetic quality: it kinda rattles inside there. The same property (the size differential between the marble and the dodecahedron) allows it to be strung from a chain.

The next motif isn't terribly exciting or wildly unique (not even staidly unique really) but I think it's pretty and doable for almost anyone.
 I hated the colours above, but when I tried to use different beads, I realized that I also had to change it ever so slightly.
This may still be slightly half-baked in that some variations may still present themselves, but I'm not willing to take a stand yet.

Yesterday at spinning I was bemoaning yet again my inability to be in any way inspired by all those stupid two-hole square beads, and I guess something that Amy said must have caused me to think about them slightly differently because guess what?
The very thing that's so annoying (they're flat and square and awkward) works with a directional stitch to alternate flatness to make a sprightly little chain.

I might have an idea for those crazy little slanted two-hole rectangles that I was unable to resist.

Stay tuned.

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